Guaranteed Results Barriers

We bird-proof your structural surfaces

roofs, ledges, beams, sunshades, canopies, etc.

Guaranteed "bird-proofing" of your structures and property.

Averting System

Pulsing Electric Barrier for the Topside of Horizontal Surfaces.

Block Away Netting/Screening/Metal Work Systems

Excludes Birds from Any Area.

Relocation Barriers

Targeted Energy Bird Deterrents for Specific Areas.

1. Avian Averting System

Invisible Avian Averting System

FlyAway’s Virtually “Invisible” Avian Averting System Floating Spring Tension Design Outlasts Competition by Decades Satisfaction Guaranteed, Bird Control Perfection!

Adhesive Fasten System For Metal Parapet

Why does our Electric Barrier last so long?

Surface Match Adhesive Fasten System

Virtual matching of textures and surfaces.

Shade Match Adhesive Fasten System

ShadeMatch: System is Permanently Mechanical Fastened to Non-Corrosive Metal Base

Installed Adhesive Fasten System

Clear Lexan Insulator blends with Multicolored Surfaces Cast Stone, Tile, Natural Stone, Stucco, EIFS, etc.

Stainless Screw Systems

Stud Welded System

Adhesive Fasten System

Drawings Samples for Architects

2. Active Relocation Barriers

Targeted Energy is Expertly applied to or installed upon your structures and landscaped areas.

Targeted Energy Active Relocation Barriers train birds and flocks to safely relocate to alternative areas. Our proven proprietary Active Relocation Barriers have Guaranteed Results based upon proven experience over many years of application.

Targeted Energy Bird Deterrents include the following proprietary products:

3. Block Away Systems Barriers

AFI typically uses multipurpose brackets to build a 3/32” wire perimeter before installing 3/4” heavy duty black polyethylene netting. Installs are supported by other appropriate fastening hardware and 1/2” wire mesh. The wire mesh may be black vinyl coated near rain-soaked entries and other areas.

Stainless steel materials may be used in zones touched by rain or salt water spray.

Netting and Mesh Material

3/4” black, white, tan polyethylene netting, 1/2” black vinyl coated wire mesh, 1/2″ wire mesh

Sample Hardware for AFI Netting Barrier

(Stainless and galvanized as appropriate)

Perimeter Wire System

Stainless Steel Cable 3/32” or equivalent, Ferrules and Turnbuckles

Attachments & Fasteners

Steel & Metal

Multipurpose Brackets (Hilti pin for steel beams) and screw fastener Steel Beam Clamps, Girder Clip, and Eye Bolt.

Masonry (Wood)

Corner Bolt, Net Spike, Lag Screw, Screw Eye, and Multipurpose Brackets.

EIFS or Drywall